Well, you know. Life, work, other hobbies, living in a small letterboxing desert, getting overwhelmed with LTC's and the like; all of it combined to keep me away from letterboxing for a long time.
But, I missed it. A LOT. So I'm back, albeit in a much more limited capacity. Life is much too busy for me to devote a lot of time to events, ltc's, postals, the AQ message boards. But I'm finding and I'm planting, and that's what's important.
One caveat: I owe some folks an LTC. I'm not apologizing for backing away from the hobby for a little bit, but I'm also not one to go back on my word. I'm working on an idea for my last LTC. It should be, if it works, my best effort and will have another collaborator from outside of letterboxing. It won't be immediate, or maybe even soon. But preboxed, Mama Cache, and a few others, you're first on the list.
So where the hell have I been?
Today, I found a box I've wanted to find for a looooong time..

I'm back, and I'm bad.