I guess Canada is a pretty interesting place, if you can make it out from under the trees. I , however, did not. My hotel was actually a tree fort, and I was repeatedly whacked in the shins by some kid name Mortimer while trying to sleep. Apparently he beleived I was a pirate, come to take over his castle. **
I had the following conversation approximately 3 thousand times during my 3 day stay in Canada. (Apparently they like hockey, who knew?):
Random Canadian (RC): "So, where ya from?"
Mr. Yuk (MY): "Pittsburgh"
RC: "Oh, Pennsylvania, ey?"
MY: "Yup."
RC: "So, you know Sidney Crosby then?"
MY: "Not personally, but I am aware he plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins."
RC: "Oh Yeah, You know he grew up about 4 hours from here."
MY: "I was unaware."
RC: "Oh Yeah, he used to come on down here to Bathurst Rink and we'd all go watch him play, He's amazing..."
Eventually this conversation became this:
RC: "So where ya from?"
MY: "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the home of the Pittsburgh Penguins where Sidney Crosby, who grew up 4 hours from here, and used to play at Bathurst Rink, now plays hockey."
RC: "Ah, Um, OK nice meetin ya."
Bathurst really is a nice place, with nice beaches, lots of unspoiled nature and amazing seafood.
While in the hotel, I was watching TV, and managed to catch one of those advertisements for 1-900 adult sex lines. They were all in French which provided me with endless mirth. However, here is a difference from US sex advertisements. In Canada, between the segments for the 900 numbers, it cuts to a bunch of young, hip adults sitting in a circle on love-seats. On closer inspection, these adults are holding, uh, toys. And I'm not talking about the batman/barbie variety. They then proceed to speak about these products in French, and then flash a number and price on the screen where you can order said product for, uh, personal use. The best thing about this is that some words apparently don't translate very well. Their diatribe on whatever they were talking about came out sounding like this:
"Mon singe aime prendre son cockring et sauter autour de la maison tout en criant au dessus de ses poumons."***
While I as there, I managed to plant a box.
My travel time (one way) from Pittsburgh to Bathurst was about 11 hours. Only about 4 and a half of it was flying. For the rest I was stuck in layovers, due largely to the overtaxed Bathurst Airport (Make sure you read the writing.):

-Sticky Yuk
* - 90% Fact Free **-100% Fact Free ***-100% Factual
I am ROTFLMAO! You funny.
The Royal Fish
Fantastic. Yeah, those Canadians are something. Canada is such a strange place because on ths surface it is like the US, but when you look a little below the surface you find it to be just a little different, seemingly slightly off kilter. It is pretty neat really.
I have been to Bathurst, or, as the French Canadians say, "Bat-urst." But we did not arrive by plane, it was train, and never once was hockey mentioned to me in my over two-week sojourn with our lovely Canadian brethren. Perhaps I do not look like a person who cares much about hockey.
I don't think hockey would have ever been mentioned if I were not from Pittsnurgh. The fact that their local star-player is on Pittsburgh's team brought it up. They mainly talked about fishing.
ROFL Good LORD, I nearly fell off the sofa reading the French stuff! Honestly, Canada just rules...better candy, better hockey and more...toys!
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